Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Weel 13

Create a webpage

Gather a couple of pictures as well as digital copies of our projects for the webpage. Use iWeb to create the webpage.

"All That I Am..." - An explanation and introduction of myself to the world (not to mention anyone else who wants to meet me), complete with 2 photographs of myself and some personal information.

"Visually Communicating..." - An explanation and introduction to the world of Visual Communication (better known as Art 100), complete with the explanations and digital copies of the 3 completed projects I've done thus far in the course.

"My Artwork" - A more detailed look into my completed artwork, complete with before and after pictures/drawings.

I wanted to tell a little bit about myself and a lot of bit about the course, explaining the concept of Visual Communication through the use of my artwork (and maybe a little bit of wording as well).


  1. craft- the artwork was very well done it is a mixture of photographs and drawings. the colors go together very well.
    composition- it was arranged very nicely the Lincoln piece was first then the comic strips then her other artwork it had a nice order to all of the pieces.
    concept- the artwork shows all of the pieces that she did in visual communications this semester.
    the work is really nicely done

  2. Your website has a lot of things to look at. It keeps my eye moving from all corners of your page. The color scheme is simple, scrapebook-like, and appealing. The best part is I see you made the page fun and personalized. Although, I do not know you personalize, your page and artwork tells me about your character

  3. This is a post for the entire blog.

    Craft: I like that you included photos for almost every blog. It helps to show the progression of your work, skills, and talent over the course of the semester.

    Composition: The arrangement of your blog is nice. It has cool gadgets and photos of you. It is welcoming and friendly. Overall, it has a positive image to the whole page.

    Concept: Your blog concept reminds me of your personality. Very easy going and fun. It is a reflection of you not only as an artist but also as an individual.

  4. Most Displayed Artwork Blog!

    Craft- She used blogger and uploaded her photos she also had to make her pieces jpgs and make them small enough quality tthat they can be quickly loaded on the web.
    Composition-She has pictures of not only herself, and her interests, but also of all the stages of her different artwork.
    Concept- Her blog overall gives you a good understanding of her personality, her likes and dislikes, and finally her ability to make nice pieces of art. Not only does she show you her final piece she shows you what she started with as well.
